What students are saying:

I want to thank you for everything you've done for our school and its students over the past two years. You have been a better teacher than I could have asked for…

You made class easy and enjoyable, but you were also a kind personality that we could trust and talk to. I've learned so much and have been inspired to learn more in a way that I have never been before...

N.M. (8th grade)

Thank you for setting an example of what a teacher should be. I really, really enjoyed your class because of your way of teaching…

I also wanted to thank you for inspiring us to be the most us we can be. No other teacher has made class as comfortable and enjoyable as you did my whole school experience…

Well, I know that I'll forever be grateful to even have had the experience of having you as a French teacher.

S.M. (9th grade)

I just wanted to thank you for being such a great teacher these past two years. Honestly, I think I have learned more in your class than any other one this year, and I loved the environment that you created for us. Your approach to our learning was so creative and impactful, and your students next year will be lucky to have you as a teacher…

E.S. (9th grade)

I just wanted to say think you for all of the fun times we had in French within the past two years. It was nice to learn French naturally, and not in a tedious way…

I would like to also thank you for teaching me about Eurovision, and all of the fun moments that came with it. Through your classes you have also gave me the amazing idea of traveling through Europe…

Finally I would like to thank your for overall making me a better person.

D.K. (9th grade)

What parents are saying:

‘You have connected with my daughters in a palpable way and…you will be ‘that teacher’ whose impact they will always remember.’ (K.S)

‘You pushed her out of her element and it was refreshing.’ (T.C.)

‘He always seemed to have an extra spring in his morning step on those days that would begin with French class.’ (J.B.)

‘He loved the time in your class…You were making a difference in his life.’ (M.F.)

‘Thank-you for going above and beyond and teaching L. not just French but about the world around her. (L.H.)

You are an amazing teacher and he says what he learned in two days with you was a lot more than what he learned from his school Spanish teacher last school year…Thanks so much for having changed B.'s view that learning a language is so difficult and boring in just two days! I am looking forward to what he learns in three more days! (S.J.)